EARN Higher Profits
With These Penny Stocks!
Try Super Stock Screener Now
Free For 30 Days!
With Super Stock Screener, you will benefit from the following:
Unbiased buy & sell stock ratings on over 5500 stocks including
1500 Penny Stocks.
Quickly see how your favorite Penny Stocks are rated!
A flexible stock screener that includes our Penny Stock ratings as part of its screening criteria.
Sample model portfolios if you prefer to spend as little time as possible researching companies. A huge time saver!
The BEST Buy/Sell Recommendations
For Penny Stocks Available
Since 2007 we have offered the best Stock Rating System online. Over the years it has helped thousands of investors select winning stocks and avoid many big losers! This applies to Penny Stocks and non-Penny Stocks.
The Rating System rates stocks as:
- Strong Buy
- Buy
- Hold
- Sell
- Strong Sell
How to Use the Rating System:
Strong Buy & Buy Ratings: These are the stocks you want to own. Historically they have outperformed the broad market and other Penny Stocks big time.
Strong Sell & Sell Ratings:
AVOID THESE STOCKS! They usually underperform the market and often end up being big losers.
Real-Time Performance
For 10 years, we’ve been publishing monthly recommendations on 5500+ stocks, along with model portfolios for our members. The chart below demonstrates how our Penny Stock recommendations have benefited our members in real-time since 2010. Assuming you started with $10,000 and consistently held Penny Stocks rated as a Strong Buy by our system, your portfolio would have grown to 4055% to $415,540! In contrast, had you held companies rated as Strong Sells, you would have earned only +187%! As you can see, the rating system can make you money.
Here’s what some of our long-time members are saying about us:
Super Stock Screener’s performance speaks for itself.
I like to use it as the last step in screening the stocks I buy.
Super Stock Screener’s Strong Buy ratings have kept me above the fray better than any other service I have used.
- Rick Hansen
I started using your service after many exhausting hours of research looking for similar services. I've grown tired of so much bad fundamental analysis and overblown hype, and really just want a simple mechanical reporter of buy and sell recommendations, minus the emotion and opinion. Your service track record speaks for itself.
- Andy Bert
Super Stock Screener is one of the best and certainly the fastest evaluation of stocks available on the Internet. It is exceptionally easy to use and the information provided allows sensible investments to be made. I use it as an essential portfolio investment guide and would not do without it.
- Sal Scaringella
I never buy a stock without checking Super Stock Screener. Thanks to your service, my portfolio has improved substantially. Hats off to your service. I will continue to use it and recommend it to my friends.
- James J Mackey
It’s time to benefit from our service, risk free!
Take Advantage of our 30-Day Free Trial:
Here’s What To Do Right Now…
Dear Investor,
Try our Ratings System and Stock Screener, and check out the current recommended holdings in our model portfolios at no risk for 30-days. If you are not 100% satisfied with these 3 services simply contact us within 30 days from the purchase date, and we’ll cancel your order before your credit card is charged. We give you this unconditional guarantee, because we are very confident about the quality of our service. If you’re not happy, we’re not happy!
Best regards,
Christophe Leconte, Managing Director
Yes, I want full access to:
The best performing Penny Stock Rating System online!
A world class stock screener that allows me to combine Stock Ratings with my favorite factors (for all stocks including Penny Stocks).
Market-beating model portfolios that are consistently outperforming their benchmarks.
The entire program now, risk free.
Click the button below to get access now.
You will receive a 30-day full subscription access to try out
all 3 services at no charge.
Then just $89.98 per month
U.S. Government Required Disclaimer - "Stocks, Options, Binary options, Forex and Future trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the stock, binary options or futures markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose especially with leveraged instruments such as binary options trading, futures trading or forex trading. This website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell stocks, futures or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. You could lose all of your money fast due too: poor market trading conditions, mechanical error, emotional induced errors, news surprises and earnings releases."